On Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 9:42 AM, Melvin Davidson <melvin6...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 2:20 AM, R. Reiterer <r.reite...@posteo.at> wrote: > >> Hi Melvin, >> >> thanks again for your help! I did some testing, but views in the new >> schema still refer to the old schema. >> >> Regards, Reinhard >> >> Am 17.04.2017 04:53 schrieb Melvin Davidson: >> >>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 4:42 PM, R. Reiterer <r.reite...@posteo.at> >>> wrote: >>> >>> Unfortunately, I do not have the skills to improve the function. >>>> Maybe someone at dba.stackexchange.com [1] can help me. I'll open a >>>> >>>> ticket. I hope this is okay for you. >>>> >>>> Am 16.04.2017 22:31 schrieb Melvin Davidson: >>>> I missed to note that this is a VIEW issue (?) >>>> AH, IN THAT CASE, YOU ARE RIGHT. I AM RETIRED, BUT IF YOU WISH, GO >>>> AHEAD AND APPLY THE FIX YOURSELF. JUST MAKE A COMMENT AT THE TOP TO >>>> INCLUDE THE DATE, YOUR NAME AND THE FIX. >>>> >>>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 4:24 PM, R. Reiterer <r.reite...@posteo.at> >>>> wrote: >>>> >>>> Hi Melvin, >>>> >>>> thanks for your reply. I missed to note that this is a VIEW issue >>>> (?). After duplicating a schema, views in the cloned schema >>>> (schema_new) refer still to the source schema (schema_old) in the >>>> FROM clause: >>>> >>>> View in cloned schema (schema_new) --> >>>> >>>> CREATE VIEW schema_new.my_view AS >>>> SELECT * >>>> FROM schema_old.my_table; >>>> >>>> To me 'FROM schema_new.my_table' would be more logical. >>>> >>>> Regards, Reinhard >>>> >>>> Am 16.04.2017 22:12 schrieb Melvin Davidson: >>>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 3:20 PM, R. Reiterer <r.reite...@posteo.at> >>>> wrote: >>>> >>>> Hi Melvin, >>>> >>>> I use your PL/pgSQL function posted at >>>> >>>> >>>> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CANu8FixK9P8UD43nv2s%2 >>> Bc-9jHkyy8wPUc_f5K3HcrmJYVPr-wQ%40mail.gmail.com >>> >>>> [2] >>>> >>>> [1] >>>> [1] to clone schemas in PostgreSQL databases. Many thanks for your >>>> work! >>>> >>>> I noticed that in cloned schemas the schema name isn't updated in >>>> the FROM clause: >>>> >>>> schema_old --> >>>> >>>> CREATE VIEW schema_old.my_view AS >>>> SELECT * >>>> FROM schema_old.my_table; >>>> >>>> schema_new --> >>>> >>>> CREATE VIEW schema_new.my_view AS >>>> SELECT * >>>> FROM schema_old.my_table; >>>> >>>> Are you interessted to fix this? >>>> >>>> Regards, >>>> >>>> Reinhard >>>> >>>> FIRST, THANK YOU FOR THE COMPLEMENT. >>>> >>>> However, AFAIC, there is nothing to "fix" with regards to cloning >>>> schema name. In a database, you cannot have two schemas with the >>>> same >>>> name, >>>> >>>> so what would be the point? If you want to "clone" to a different >>>> database, then just use pg_dump and pg_restore. >>>> >>>> -- >>>> >>>> MELVIN DAVIDSON >>>> I reserve the right to fantasize. Whether or not you >>>> wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you. >>>> >>>> Links: >>>> ------ >>>> [1] >>>> >>>> >>>> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CANu8FixK9P8UD43nv2s%2 >>> Bc-9jHkyy8wPUc_f5K3HcrmJYVPr-wQ%40mail.gmail.com >>> >>>> [2] >>>> [1] >>>> >>>> -- >>>> >>>> MELVIN DAVIDSON >>>> I reserve the right to fantasize. Whether or not you >>>> wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you. >>>> >>>> Links: >>>> ------ >>>> [1] >>>> >>>> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CANu8FixK9P8UD43nv2s%2 >>> Bc-9jHkyy8wPUc_f5K3HcrmJYVPr-wQ%40mail.gmail.com >>> >>>> [2] >>>> >>> >>> Reinhard, >>> >>> After reviewing things, I note it's possible that you downloaded an >>> earlier version that had some errors in it and was not as complete. >>> >>> Therefore, I've attached the latest, more complete version of the >>> function. Please let me know if this solves the problem. >>> >>> -- >>> >>> MELVIN DAVIDSON >>> I reserve the right to fantasize. Whether or not you >>> wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you. >>> >>> >>> Links: >>> ------ >>> [1] http://dba.stackexchange.com >>> [2] >>> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CANu8FixK9P8UD43nv2s%2 >>> Bc-9jHkyy8wPUc_f5K3HcrmJYVPr-wQ%40mail.gmail.com >>> >> > > > *My apologies,* > > *I though I had had a fix. I even worked on it a couple of hours this > morning, but it seems it's a bit trickier than I thought. I'll keep trying* > > *until I get it right.* > > -- > *Melvin Davidson* > I reserve the right to fantasize. Whether or not you > wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you. > *OK Reinhard, I think I have it, please try the revision I have attached.* -- *Melvin Davidson* I reserve the right to fantasize. Whether or not you wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.
-- Function: public.clone_schema(text, text, boolean) -- DROP FUNCTION public.clone_schema(text, text, boolean); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.clone_schema( source_schema text, dest_schema text, include_recs boolean) RETURNS void AS $BODY$ -- Initial code by Emanuel '3manuek' -- Last revision 2017-04-17 by Melvin Davidson -- Added SELECT REPLACE for schema views -- -- This function will clone all sequences, tables, indexes, rules, triggers, -- data(optional), views & functions from any existing schema to a new schema -- SAMPLE CALL: -- SELECT clone_schema('public', 'new_schema', TRUE); DECLARE src_oid oid; tbl_oid oid; func_oid oid; con_oid oid; v_path text; v_func text; v_args text; v_conname text; v_rule text; v_trig text; object text; buffer text; srctbl text; default_ text; v_column text; qry text; dest_qry text; v_def text; v_stat integer; seqval bigint; sq_last_value bigint; sq_max_value bigint; sq_start_value bigint; sq_increment_by bigint; sq_min_value bigint; sq_cache_value bigint; sq_log_cnt bigint; sq_is_called boolean; sq_is_cycled boolean; sq_cycled char(10); BEGIN -- Check that source_schema exists SELECT oid INTO src_oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = quote_ident(source_schema); IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE NOTICE 'source schema % does not exist!', source_schema; RETURN ; END IF; -- Check that dest_schema does not yet exist PERFORM nspname FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = quote_ident(dest_schema); IF FOUND THEN RAISE NOTICE 'dest schema % already exists!', dest_schema; RETURN ; END IF; EXECUTE 'CREATE SCHEMA ' || quote_ident(dest_schema) ; -- Add schema comment SELECT description INTO v_def FROM pg_description WHERE objoid = src_oid AND objsubid = 0; IF FOUND THEN EXECUTE 'COMMENT ON SCHEMA ' || quote_ident(dest_schema) || ' IS ' || quote_literal(v_def); END IF; -- Create sequences -- TODO: Find a way to make this sequence's owner is the correct table. FOR object IN SELECT sequence_name::text FROM information_schema.sequences WHERE sequence_schema = quote_ident(source_schema) LOOP EXECUTE 'CREATE SEQUENCE ' || quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object); srctbl := quote_ident(source_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object); EXECUTE 'SELECT last_value, max_value, start_value, increment_by, min_value, cache_value, log_cnt, is_cycled, is_called FROM ' || quote_ident(source_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object) || ';' INTO sq_last_value, sq_max_value, sq_start_value, sq_increment_by, sq_min_value, sq_cache_value, sq_log_cnt, sq_is_cycled, sq_is_called ; IF sq_is_cycled THEN sq_cycled := 'CYCLE'; ELSE sq_cycled := 'NO CYCLE'; END IF; EXECUTE 'ALTER SEQUENCE ' || quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object) || ' INCREMENT BY ' || sq_increment_by || ' MINVALUE ' || sq_min_value || ' MAXVALUE ' || sq_max_value || ' START WITH ' || sq_start_value || ' RESTART ' || sq_min_value || ' CACHE ' || sq_cache_value || sq_cycled || ' ;' ; buffer := quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object); IF include_recs THEN EXECUTE 'SELECT setval( ''' || buffer || ''', ' || sq_last_value || ', ' || sq_is_called || ');' ; ELSE EXECUTE 'SELECT setval( ''' || buffer || ''', ' || sq_start_value || ', ' || sq_is_called || ');' ; END IF; -- add sequence comments SELECT oid INTO tbl_oid FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'S' AND relnamespace = src_oid AND relname = quote_ident(object); SELECT description INTO v_def FROM pg_description WHERE objoid = tbl_oid AND objsubid = 0; IF FOUND THEN EXECUTE 'COMMENT ON SEQUENCE ' || quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object) || ' IS ''' || v_def || ''';'; END IF; END LOOP; -- Create tables FOR object IN SELECT TABLE_NAME::text FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = quote_ident(source_schema) AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE' LOOP buffer := quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object); EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE ' || buffer || ' (LIKE ' || quote_ident(source_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object) || ' INCLUDING ALL)'; -- Add table comment SELECT oid INTO tbl_oid FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'r' AND relnamespace = src_oid AND relname = quote_ident(object); SELECT description INTO v_def FROM pg_description WHERE objoid = tbl_oid AND objsubid = 0; IF FOUND THEN EXECUTE 'COMMENT ON TABLE ' || quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object) || ' IS ''' || v_def || ''';'; END IF; IF include_recs THEN -- Insert records from source table EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || buffer || ' SELECT * FROM ' || quote_ident(source_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object) || ';'; END IF; FOR v_column, default_ IN SELECT column_name::text, REPLACE(column_default::text, quote_ident(source_schema) || '.', quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' ) FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema = dest_schema AND TABLE_NAME = object AND column_default LIKE 'nextval(%' || quote_ident(source_schema) || '%::regclass)' LOOP EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || buffer || ' ALTER COLUMN ' || v_column || ' SET DEFAULT ' || default_; END LOOP; END LOOP; -- set column statistics FOR tbl_oid, srctbl IN SELECT oid, relname FROM pg_class WHERE relnamespace = src_oid AND relkind = 'r' LOOP FOR v_column, v_stat IN SELECT attname, attstattarget FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = tbl_oid AND attnum > 0 LOOP buffer := quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(srctbl); -- RAISE EXCEPTION 'ALTER TABLE % ALTER COLUMN % SET STATISTICS %', buffer, v_column, v_stat::text; EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || buffer || ' ALTER COLUMN ' || quote_ident(v_column) || ' SET STATISTICS ' || v_stat || ';'; END LOOP; END LOOP; -- add FK constraint FOR qry IN SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ' || quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rn.relname) || ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' || quote_ident(ct.conname) || ' ' || replace(pg_get_constraintdef(ct.oid), quote_ident(source_schema) || '.', quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.') || ';' FROM pg_constraint ct JOIN pg_class rn ON rn.oid = ct.conrelid WHERE connamespace = src_oid AND rn.relkind = 'r' AND ct.contype = 'f' LOOP EXECUTE qry; END LOOP; -- Add constraint comment FOR con_oid IN SELECT oid FROM pg_constraint WHERE conrelid = tbl_oid LOOP SELECT conname INTO v_conname FROM pg_constraint WHERE oid = con_oid; SELECT description INTO v_def FROM pg_description WHERE objoid = con_oid; IF FOUND THEN EXECUTE 'COMMENT ON CONSTRAINT ' || v_conname || ' ON ' || quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object) || ' IS ''' || v_def || ''';'; END IF; END LOOP; -- Create views FOR object IN SELECT table_name::text, view_definition FROM information_schema.views WHERE table_schema = quote_ident(source_schema) LOOP buffer := quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object); SELECT view_definition INTO v_def FROM information_schema.views WHERE table_schema = quote_ident(source_schema) AND table_name = quote_ident(object); SELECT REPLACE(v_def, source_schema, dest_schema) INTO v_def; -- RAISE NOTICE 'view def, % , source % , dest % ', v_def, source_schema, dest_schema; RETURN; EXECUTE 'CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ' || buffer || ' AS ' || v_def || ';' ; -- Add comment SELECT oid INTO tbl_oid FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'v' AND relnamespace = src_oid AND relname = quote_ident(object); SELECT description INTO v_def FROM pg_description WHERE objoid = tbl_oid AND objsubid = 0; IF FOUND THEN EXECUTE 'COMMENT ON VIEW ' || quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object) || ' IS ' || quote_literal(v_def); END IF; END LOOP; -- Create functions FOR func_oid IN SELECT oid, proargnames FROM pg_proc WHERE pronamespace = src_oid LOOP SELECT pg_get_functiondef(func_oid) INTO qry; SELECT proname, oidvectortypes(proargtypes) INTO v_func, v_args FROM pg_proc WHERE oid = func_oid; SELECT replace(qry, quote_ident(source_schema) || '.', quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.') INTO dest_qry; EXECUTE dest_qry; -- Add function comment SELECT description INTO v_def FROM pg_description WHERE objoid = func_oid AND objsubid = 0; IF FOUND THEN -- RAISE NOTICE 'func_oid %, object %, v_args %', func_oid::text, quote_ident(object), v_args; EXECUTE 'COMMENT ON FUNCTION ' || quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(v_func) || '(' || v_args || ')' || ' IS ' || quote_literal(v_def) ||';' ; END IF; END LOOP; -- add Rules FOR v_def IN SELECT definition FROM pg_rules WHERE schemaname = quote_ident(source_schema) LOOP IF v_def IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT replace(v_def, 'TO ', 'TO ' || quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.') INTO v_def; EXECUTE ' ' || v_def; END IF; END LOOP; -- add triggers FOR v_def IN SELECT pg_get_triggerdef(oid) FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgname NOT LIKE 'RI_%' AND tgrelid IN (SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'r' AND relnamespace = src_oid) LOOP SELECT replace(v_def, ' ON ', ' ON ' || quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.') INTO dest_qry; EXECUTE dest_qry; END LOOP; -- Disable inactive triggers -- D = disabled FOR tbl_oid IN SELECT oid FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgenabled = 'D' AND tgname NOT LIKE 'RI_%' AND tgrelid IN (SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'r' AND relnamespace = src_oid) LOOP SELECT t.tgname, c.relname INTO object, srctbl FROM pg_trigger t JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = t.tgrelid WHERE t.oid = tbl_oid; IF FOUND THEN EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || dest_schema || '.' || srctbl || ' DISABLE TRIGGER ' || object || ';'; END IF; END LOOP; -- Add index comment FOR tbl_oid IN SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'i' AND relnamespace = src_oid LOOP SELECT relname INTO object FROM pg_class WHERE oid = tbl_oid; SELECT description INTO v_def FROM pg_description WHERE objoid = tbl_oid AND objsubid = 0; IF FOUND THEN EXECUTE 'COMMENT ON INDEX ' || quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(object) || ' IS ''' || v_def || ''';'; END IF; END LOOP; -- add rule comments FOR con_oid IN SELECT oid, * FROM pg_rewrite WHERE rulename <> '_RETURN'::name LOOP SELECT rulename, ev_class INTO v_rule, tbl_oid FROM pg_rewrite WHERE oid = con_oid; SELECT relname INTO object FROM pg_class WHERE oid = tbl_oid AND relkind = 'r'; SELECT description INTO v_def FROM pg_description WHERE objoid = con_oid AND objsubid = 0; IF FOUND THEN EXECUTE 'COMMENT ON RULE ' || v_rule || ' ON ' || quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' || object || ' IS ' || quote_literal(v_def); END IF; END LOOP; -- add trigger comments FOR con_oid IN SELECT oid, * FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgname NOT LIKE 'RI_%' LOOP SELECT tgname, tgrelid INTO v_trig, tbl_oid FROM pg_trigger WHERE oid = con_oid; SELECT relname INTO object FROM pg_class WHERE oid = tbl_oid AND relkind = 'r'; SELECT description INTO v_def FROM pg_description WHERE objoid = con_oid AND objsubid = 0; IF FOUND THEN EXECUTE 'COMMENT ON TRIGGER ' || v_trig || ' ON ' || quote_ident(dest_schema) || '.' || object || ' IS ' || quote_literal(v_def); END IF; END LOOP; RETURN; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100; ALTER FUNCTION public.clone_schema(text, text, boolean) OWNER TO postgres; COMMENT ON FUNCTION public.clone_schema(text, text, boolean) IS 'Duplicates sequences, tables, indexes, rules, triggers, data(optional), views & functions from the source schema to the destination schema'; SELECT clone_schema('old_scheme', 'new_scheme', FALSE);
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