On 04/10/2017 09:33 AM, Merlin Moncure wrote:
On Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 4:27 PM, Guyren Howe <guy...@gmail.com> wrote:
If I do a SELECT with a GROUP_BY and multiple ARRAY_AGGs,
>> will the ARRAY_AGGs be guaranteed to have entries in the
>> same (ie corresponding) order?
It is unsafe to rely on aggregation order unless specified --
> you can add ORDER BY to the aggregation clause.
Just thought I'd add that if you do this:
SELECT u.name,
ARRAY_AGG(o.order_date ORDER BY o.id) AS order_dates,
ARRAY_AGG(o.order_total ORDER BY o.id) AS order_totals
Then you can check EXPLAIN and should see that Postgres is only doing
one sort, not two, so there is no performance cost. (Of course for more
complicated queries you might want to double check what EXPLAIN intends
to do.)
But something I've wondered myself is how well Postgres handles sorting
already-mostly-sorted lists? I tried diving into the code, starting from
but I couldn't answer the question myself. The comments say that as long
as the tuples all fit in work_mem, it uses qsort, but the code appears
to call qsort_ssup or qsort_tuple, whose definitions I couldn't find. (I
looks like they are from qsort_tuple.c which is generated by a Perl
script.) I know that qsort(3) is not necessarily quicksort, despite the
name. Does anyone know what algorithm Postgres uses? It seems like the
mostly-already-sorted case would happen a lot, so I'm curious if
Postgres pays a performance cost there?
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