On 04/08/2017 06:26 AM, John Iliffe wrote:
On Saturday 08 April 2017 00:10:14 Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 04/07/2017 07:45 PM, Joe Conway wrote:
On 04/07/2017 05:35 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 04/07/2017 05:03 PM, John Iliffe wrote:
Running on Fedora 25 with SELinux in PERMISSIVE mode. The audit
log shows no hits on Postgresql.
My going in position was/still is, that this is a SELinux security
but I am finding SELinux to be the most opaque and badly documented
that I have ever had to deal with, which is why it is running in
mode at the moment.
Well what I know about SELinux would fit in the navel of a flea(tip
of the hat to David Niven), so I can not be of much help there. The
reason I am returned this thread to the list, there are folks that
do understand it.
If SELinux is running in permissive I don't see how it could be at
fault for your issue. Did you verify that (getenforce)?
[Fri Apr 07 17:03:28.597101 2017] [php7:warn] [pid 1797:tid
140599445419776] [client] PHP Warning:
pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: could not
connect to server: No such file or directory\n\tIs the server
running locally and
accepting\n\tconnections on Unix domain socket
"/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? in /httpd/iliffe/testfcgi.php on
line 121 ----------------------------
This might be a silly question, but is PHP running on the same server
as Postgres?
To add to this, previously you mentioned:
"Also, using the on board firewall (firewalld) to provide a secondary
domain where the actual business processes run. "
What exactly does that mean?
I'm trying/planning to use firewalld to keep certain remote addresses from
connecting to the mail server. Since I have it anyway, I want to
strengthen the security by moving non-Internet connections internal of that
firewall so only Apache is exposed to the Internet and the databases, etc,
are internal.
This is a Unix domain socket connection so I don't think the firewall should
get involved.
So what if you change the connection to use -h localhost?
Since you raised the question, I added port 5432 to the open list in
firewalld but it didn't make any difference, still not connecting.
Adrian Klaver
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