On Tue, 04 Apr 2017 12:01:24 +0200
vinny <vi...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Every time I tell someone about the mailinglists I then have to explain
> how they can subscribe, how to create folders, filters etc. And more 
> often than not
> they just say forget it and go to some forum.

On forums, all you see is the header for the discussion, and the number of 
messages attached to it. 

It makes it much more difficult to follow discussions, because you don't know 
if there are new messages or not, unless you memorized how many were there the 
last time you looked at it. And even then, you can't tell whether you even read 
them previously or not, which a mailing list will tell you, because the 
messages are marked.

> Can you expect Joe 
> Average to do something like that
> if they want to get more involved in PgSQL?

How hard is it to subscribe, create a folder and a filter? If that is too 
involved, I don't see how they can get involved in postgres anyway.

                                        Bien à vous, Vincent Veyron 

Logiciel de gestion des contentieux juridiques, des contrats et des sinistres 

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