On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 8:41 AM, Armand Pirvu (home) <armand.pi...@gmail.com>

> Hi
> I have the following case
> select * from foo;
>                                       col1
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------
>  "show_id"=>"1", "group_id"=>"32", "group_name"=>"slb",
> "group_add_by"=>"557651"
>  "show_id"=>"2", "group_id"=>"33", "group_name"=>"slc",
> "item_add_by"=>"557652"
> (2 rows)
> Is there anyway I can do a pattern search by hstore key name something like
> select * from foo where skeys(col1) like '%add_by%';
> I looked on the doc but did not see anything , or did I miss it ?

select * from foo where array_to_string(akeys(x),';') like '%add\_by%';

Note that I back-slashed the underscore, otherwise it acts as a wildcard
and may match more than you bargained for.



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