On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 09:47:40AM -0700, Paul Jungwirth wrote:

> I wrote a blog post about the Postgres permissions system, and I thought I'd
> share:
> http://illuminatedcomputing.com/posts/2017/03/postgres-permissions/

> I also shared a few opinions amidst the facts (like that `USAGE` for schemas
> doesn't add much), so I am very pleased to have those challenged. You can
> consider them my own outstanding questions. I'd be especially grateful for
> any feedback there.

Not that I am an expert in any way but here's a thought on
why a permission on foreign key creation might be useful:

Being able to create foreign keys may allow to indirectly
discover whether certain values exists in a table which I
don't otherwise have access to (by means of failure or
success to create a judiciously crafted FK).

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