On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 12:51 PM, Rob Sargent <robjsarg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 03/27/2017 04:59 AM, MAJUMDER, SAYAN wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to postgresql and presently we are migrating from sql server to
> postgresql.
> We have certain functions in sql server such as
> ERROR_PROCEDURE(),ERROR_LINE(),ERROR_MESSAGE(). I am unable to find any
> equivalent
> functions in postgresql. Kindly help me. Thanks in advance. Its urgent.
> Seems you didn't like the "RAISE" option you were given on Stack
> Overflow.  You might explain what those functions do to allow postgres
> people to recognize any potential match.

I think the OP is going to find a quick drop-off in the willingness of
others to provide free help if the OP continues to blind cross-post and
claim urgency for a migration.

I don't know exactly what materials exist for SQL Server migration to
PostgreSQL but the first two questions asked of this list cover seemingly
basic topics that I have to imagine search and/or reading the relevant
sections of our documentation would provide reasonable answers for - or at
least allow for the writing of better questions.

David J.

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