On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 7:09 AM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>

> On 03/28/2017 12:29 AM, Ron Ben wrote:
>> Here is a refer to the stackoverflow question:
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42974822/find-sub-string-
>> position-from-the-end-of-string-in-postgresql
>> it carry another example and the solution however I still think that
>> this fuctionality should be avliable in a build-in postgresql function.
> This would be a new feature and Postgres only introduces new features in
> new major version releases. The next major release is 10 and it is the
> latter stages of development. Not sure if there is a feature freeze on yet
> or not. In any case it will not be released for production until fall
> sometime(best guess, I have nothing to do with release schedule).

​Not technically frozen but if the implementing patch isn't already in the
commit-fest system it isn't getting into 10.  All feature freeze means at
this point is that anything currently in the commit-fest system that
doesn't get committed by that time it going to be punted to 11.​

> If it did not make it into that release you are looking another year out.
> So if this is something you need soon, then I would say the solution would
> be to create your own function using the suggestions provided. If you
> really want this as a built in, regardless of when it is done I would
> suggest either filing bug:
> https://www.postgresql.org/account/login/?next=/account/submitbug/
This is a poor recommendation given that its absence is not a bug.​

> post to the --hackers list:
> https://www.postgresql.org/list/pgsql-hackers/

Maybe not ideal but we don't have any kind of "feature requests" lists so
its either -hackers​ or -general.

I'd even go so far as to say "-general" is better because you get more eyes
on the request for people to give it support and, apparently in this case,
finding people to do the leg work of writing a patch.

David J.

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