On Friday, March 24, 2017, Yuri Budilov <yuri.budi...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone
> Can these forums be moved to internet ?
> All these emails is so 1990s.
> So hard to follow, so hard to search for historical answers.
> We really need to be able to post via browser.
One constraint is that the current email based flow cannot be disrupted.
Adding on a fully integrated forum-like GUI does have some demand.  I don't
see it being met if the it needs to be custom written.  Therefore, do you
have any suggestions and examples of communities using such a system?

As it stands we have a kind of read-only forum in our archives.  It would
be nice if there were a form at the bottom of the page that would let you
post - or even "send email to me so I can respond".

In short, there is always room for usability improvements.  You'll get a
better response if you focus on those since and explain why.

David J.

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