On 3/21/2017 10:31 AM, Alexander Farber wrote:
words=> COPY words_reviews (uid, author, nice, review, updated) FROM stdin WITH FORMAT 'csv';
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "FORMAT"
LINE 1: ...d, author, nice, review, updated) FROM stdin WITH FORMAT 'cs...

its just csv, not 'csv' ...

And I have tried adding/removing commas at the end of lines too.

if its getting a syntax error on the COPY command, its not yet read the data...

note that COPY .... FROM STDIN doesn't actually read from stdin, it requires the data to be passed through to it with a special API (PQputCopyData() in libpq, or similar in other APIs). you can use \copy in psql to stream the data from the same input.

john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz

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