On 03/08/2017 09:36 AM, Karl Czajkowski wrote:
I believe that in its fully glory, you cannot reliably locate CSV
record boundaries except by parsing each field in order including
quote processing.  Individual records may have arbitrary numbers of
field and record separator characters within the values.


On Mar 08, Rob Sargent modulated:
Since bash has been bandied about in this thread I presume awk is
available.  Here's how I would check just how 'csv'ish the incoming
file is.
Yes Karl, I agree. I admitted as much. But if it's clean, as in free of quoted commas, life is much more simple. I've lost site of whether or not the OP knows his situation w.r.t. to this. The awk line will tell him and for a one-off load this can make a world of difference in complexity - two bash lines and a COPY.

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