Thanks for your help!

Karsten: The system does fill up swap before it blows up.  This
particular model has 8G of ram and 4G of swap and runs kernel
4.4.0-53-generic #74~14.04.1-Ubuntu.

Tom, there are three columns in this table that exhibit the problem,
here is the statistics data after an analyze, and the real data to
compare it to.

cipafilter=# select attname, n_distinct, most_common_freqs from
pg_stats where tablename = 'log_raw' and (attname = 'urlid' or attname
= 'titleid' or attname = 'hostid');
 attname | n_distinct |

 urlid   |      38963 |
 hostid  |       2478 |
 titleid |        292 | {0.767167}
(3 rows)

I have to patch the pg_stats table to get postgres to run the
following queries without crashing:

cipafilter=#     UPDATE pg_statistic AS s
cipafilter-#         SET stadistinct = (select reltuples from pg_class
where relname = 'titles')
cipafilter-#     FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a where c.oid =
s.starelid and c.oid = a.attrelid and a.attnum = s.staattnum and
cipafilter-#         relname = 'log_raw' and attname = 'titleid';
cipafilter=#     UPDATE pg_statistic AS s
cipafilter-#         SET stadistinct = (select reltuples from pg_class
where relname = 'urls')
cipafilter-#     FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a where c.oid =
s.starelid and c.oid = a.attrelid and a.attnum = s.staattnum and
cipafilter-#         relname = 'log_raw' and attname = 'urlid';
cipafilter=#     UPDATE pg_statistic AS s
cipafilter-#         SET stadistinct = (select reltuples from pg_class
where relname = 'hosts')
cipafilter-#     FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a where c.oid =
s.starelid and c.oid = a.attrelid and a.attnum = s.staattnum and
cipafilter-#         relname = 'log_raw' and attname = 'hostid';

cipafilter=#  select attname, n_distinct from pg_stats where tablename
= 'log_raw' and (attname = 'urlid' or attname = 'titleid' or attname =
 attname | n_distinct
 urlid   | 1.51452e+08
 hostid  |      303756
 titleid |      879485

cipafilter=# select titleid, count(titleid) from log_raw group by
titleid order by count(titleid) desc limit 10;
 titleid |   count
       1 | 423848049
   49547 |    403432
     238 |    188151
      12 |    151640
       5 |    149524
    6196 |    139445
   32014 |    123828
     200 |     88682
   58921 |     86451
      10 |     84264
(10 rows)

cipafilter=# select urlid, count(urlid) from log_raw group by urlid
order by count(urlid) desc limit 10;
 urlid  |  count
 129991 | 10843088
      1 |  4953757
     21 |  4345503
   2765 |  4266981
     12 |  3654127
    920 |  3609054
   1135 |  3562185
     20 |  3495023
 283567 |  3019675
   2494 |  2655301
(10 rows)

cipafilter=# select hostid, count(hostid) from log_raw group by hostid
order by count(hostid) desc limit 10;
 hostid |   count
      7 | 117342686
      5 |  18016481
     53 |  17408992
     57 |  12947564
    543 |  12698269
      1 |  10068246
 127544 |   8746204
     27 |   8618595
     40 |   8507278
     36 |   7424412
(10 rows)

Fun fact, hostid 7 is ''.

On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 6:11 AM, Karsten Hilbert
<> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 01:04:51PM +0100, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
>> > Nope, that pops too.  The query runs for a long time at a somewhat
>> > normal rate of ram consumption, using ~1G of RSS then suddenly spikes
>> > to about 6G, at which point the OOM killer pops it.  Box has 8G of ram
>> > and 4G of swap.
>> By any chance:
>> - when it happens has the kernel considered using swap ?
>> - which kernel are you running ?
>> There's been (for some workloads) massive problems with RAM
>> exhaustion / swapping / OOM killer going wild with
>> 4.7/4.8/some 4.9 kernels.
> I guess what I'm trying to say is that it may actually not be
> PostgreSQL's fault but rather the kernel invoking the OOM
> killer way prematurely.
> Karsten
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