
On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 11:26 PM, Thomas Kellerer <> wrote:
> I wonder why regexp_split_to_array() is listed under "String functions and
> operators" [1] but string_to_array() is listed under "Array functions and
> operators" [2]
> I find that a bit inconsistent - I would expect to find both in the same
> chapter.

Seen the description of string_to_array I would assume it is there to
pair with array_to_string, which seems to its dual, as a way to
[un]marshal arrays with potential nulls. OTOH regexp_split is not
easily invertible and performs the type of operation you normally do
with more free-form text, user input and the like.

> I would suggest to put both into "String functions and operators" because
> after all string_to_array() does more or less the same as
> regexp_split_to_array() does. But at the end of the day I think it's just
> important that both are in the same chapter (unless I overlooked a huge
> difference between the two that warrants this distinction).

Given the above I would certainly expect array_to_string in array
functions. Then I would expect string_to_array next to it. And any
regexp related function clustered with its siblings, either in the
string page or ( in another manuals ) in its dedicated section.

Francisco Olarte.

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