Lynn Dobbs <> writes:
> I just migrated from 9.2.4 to 9.6.1 and had several user created 
> functions fail.

> Recreating the failure with "SELECT xmlelement(name foo, 
> 'infinity'::timestamp)
> ERROR: timestamp out of range
> DETAIL: XML does not support infinite timestamp values.

> I don't find anything in the documentation that explains this.  I 
> consider this a regression.

So far as I can tell, Postgres has rejected converting infinite timestamps
to XML since 8.3 (cf commit 7b76bfbe1).  Certainly the above example fails
exactly like that in 9.2.  If you think there's a regression here, you
need to show us a case that actually behaves differently in 9.2 and 9.6.

(Speculating wildly, I imagine that your problem has something to do with
9.6 trying to fold a subexpression to a constant in a case where 9.2
didn't, and in fact didn't evaluate the subexpression at all.  But you'd
need a much larger example to demonstrate such a behavior.)

                        regards, tom lane

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