Phuong Ma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I read this from the 7.1 documentation:
> 3.2. Monetary Type

> The money type may become a locale-aware
> layer over the numeric type in a future release. 

> The money type stores U.S.-style currency with fixed decimal point
> representation. If Postgres is compiled with locale support then the
> money type uses locale-specific output formatting. 

> ----------
> Why does this first say that the money type may become locale-aware in a
> FUTURE release, then the next paragraph says that the money type USES
> locale  specific output formatting.  So which one is it?

In that sentence, "locale-aware" is an adjective modifying "layer".
It does not say that the current implementation is not locale-aware;
it says that it's not based on numeric.

> Why would it
> be better to use numeric or decimal rather than money data type?


                        regards, tom lane

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