Bill Moran <> writes:
> Tom Lane <> wrote:
>> Bill Moran wrote:
>>> What I feel is the best way to mitigate the situation, is to have some
>>> setting that limits the maximum RAM any backend can consume.

>> I've had some success using ulimit in the past,

> Hopefully having this in the list archives will make the search easier
> for the next person who has this issue. Does anyone know if there are
> any suggestions to this effect in the official documentation? If not,
> I'll try to make some time to submit a patch.

[ grepgrepgrep... ] There is not.  There are several mentions of ulimit
in the docs, but all of them point towards removing unreasonably-tight
default limits, not towards intentionally adding a limit.  I think
something in or near 18.4.2 "Resource Limits" might be appropriate.

                        regards, tom lane

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