I've been having some issues with using BST as a timezone, so I checked
the Postgres catalogs and found a discrepancy.
I expected it to be British Summer Time, which is a Daylight Saving Time
in England and has a 1-hour UTC offset.
In pg_timezone_abbrevs I see a 1-hr offset and is_dst set to true as I
intranet=> SELECT * FROM pg_timezone_abbrevs WHERE abbrev='BST';
abbrev | utc_offset | is_dst
BST | 01:00:00 | t
(1 row)
But in pg_timezone_names I get an 11-hr offset with a completely
different time zone.
intranet=> SELECT * FROM pg_timezone_names WHERE abbrev='BST';
name | abbrev | utc_offset | is_dst
Pacific/Bougainville | BST | 11:00:00 | f
posix/Pacific/Bougainville | BST | 11:00:00 | f
(2 rows)
Surely, they can not both be right, so I'm thinking that this is a bug?
Thank you,
Igal Sapir
Lucee Core Developer
Lucee.org <http://lucee.org/>