On 02/05/2017 01:21 PM, Thomas Kellerer wrote:
I just stumbled about a report that has been running for a long time now
and that relied on the fact that the interval "timestamp - timestamp"
always returns an interval with days, hours, minutes. But never a
"justified" interval with years, months, days and so on.
According to the docs:
"Subtraction of date or timestamp values with the "-" operator returns
the number of days (24-hours) and hours/minutes/seconds between the
values, making the same adjustments."
It should always return days and hours.
The query usees "extract(day from timestamp - timestamp)" which is
working fine, but would apparently fail if a justified interval was
Did that happen?
But I wonder if I'm relying on undocumented behaviour or if there is any
situation where timestamp - timestamp would return a "justified" interval.
So, my question is: will timestamp '2017-02-05 18:19:20' - timestamp
'2016-11-18 23:00:00' always return "78 days 21:00:00"?
Or is there any situation where the returned interval would be "2 mons
18 days 21:00:00" without using justiy_interval() on it.
I couldn't find a clear statement on that in the manual.
Adrian Klaver
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