05.02.2017 17:10, I wrote:
And yes, running Process Explorer gave some new and unexpected input.
During the period of this strange high load it claims 40% CPU is used by
interrupts (normally 0.01%) and 3% used by backend postgres.exe
(normally approx 0%). I'd guess this means some problem happening in the
OS (which hosts this postgres.exe), probably related to network
communication? (Because nothing else seems likely related to interrupts
in such scenario?)

Additionally, I've now got a kernrate viewer reports, one for high load, and one for normal load period, attached below. Here, tcpip shows some more kernel activity during the problematic period, but the difference is not so huge.

Time   36348 hits, 25000 events per hit --------
 Module                            Hits   msec  %Total  Events/Sec
intelppm                          35048      45640    96 %    19198071
hal                                1030      45640     2 %      564198
ntkrnlpa                            204      45640     0 %      111744
tcpip                                20      45640     0 %       10955
win32k                               18      45640     0 %        9859
afd                                   6      45640     0 %        3286
ipnat                                 6      45640     0 %        3286
NDIS                                  4      45640     0 %        2191

Time   37227 hits, 25000 events per hit --------
 Module                            Hits   msec  %Total  Events/Sec
intelppm                          35856      46828    96 %    19142393
hal                                1089      46828     2 %      581382
ntkrnlpa                            229      46828     0 %      122255
win32k                               29      46828     0 %       15482
tcpip                                 9      46828     0 %        4804
NDIS                                  4      46828     0 %        2135
afd                                   3      46828     0 %        1601
psched                                3      46828     0 %        1601
ipnat                                 2      46828     0 %        1067

Thank you.


The screenshot: https://yadi.sk/i/hC8FMZCE3CyzPs

Thank you.



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