> On Feb 1, 2017, at 4:03 PM, John R Pierce <pie...@hogranch.com> wrote:
> On 2/1/2017 3:39 PM, postgres user wrote:
>> If I have the Postgresql server installed on my machine i.e I have all the 
>> bins, libs and share directories of the Postgresql and I have the libs and 
>> sql's installed for one of the contrib extensions lets say "chkpass", how 
>> does one go about testing this extension exhaustively on the server? I ask 
>> this because I would want to do this manually first and then go about 
>> automating the testing of this extension. So rather than just execute CREATE 
>> EXTENSION and DROP EXTENSION I want some solid evidence that the extension 
>> is working fine under all circumstances and is not crashing the server at 
>> any moment? Looking for some new strategies and ideas to come my way through 
>> this.
> you would write test cases for all the functionality provided by this 
> extension, same as you'd test any other sort of API.

And you might find http://pgtap.org convenient for doing that.


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