On 01/26/2017 04:37 AM, Rita wrote:
of course, sorry for being vague.
I have an external process generating a XML file (every 30 secs) which
is about 10MB. I would like to store the file as XML type for me to
query using xpath. I plan to query it every few seconds by few hundred
clients. so, it maybe easier for me create a separate table of my xpath
results and have clients query that table (xpath can be expensive).
So, I was wondering if hstore will help me for fast access.
Please let me know if anything is unclear.
Realized it might help if you provide the schema of the tables you are
using or plan to use.
On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 3:58 AM, Tomas Vondra
<tomas.von...@2ndquadrant.com <mailto:tomas.von...@2ndquadrant.com>> wrote:
On 01/26/2017 09:08 AM, Rita wrote:
Is it possible to use hstore to store xml document?
I would like to have
"status" => "<xml>..."::xml
Keys/values in hstore are simply text strings, so you can store
anything you want formatted as a string.
Not sure if that's what you're looking for though, you'll probably
need to explain what you're trying to achieve to get better answers.
Tomas Vondra http://www.2ndQuadrant.com
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services
--- Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.--
Adrian Klaver
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