Martin Moore <> writes:
> Hi, I have a ‘C’ shared object that has been running on postgres since 8.3 
> and maybe before – on 32 bit Debian. Currently on 9.3.
> I’m trying to migrate to Google cloud  (64 bit Debian) and get a seg fault 
> when calling one of the functions which have been recompiled on the Google 
> instance.
> This occurs on 9.3, 9.4 and  9.5 which leads me to believe it’s an 
> environment/architecture issue.

Given the facts stated, the most obvious explanation is that there's
something in your code that's dependent on a 32-bit environment ---
trying to store a pointer in an integer, say.  Can't debug it for
you though.  I'd suggest recompiling with full warnings (gcc -Wall
at least) and paying close attention to anything the compiler warns

                        regards, tom lane

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