Thanks for reply, but I have 120 databases running on a one single
instance. So it's not possible to take backup of instance instead of taking
pg_dumb of all databases separately.

Example: suppose we have two instances running on single server, instance A
having 120 databases and instance B having 50 databases and I want to move
all databases running on instance A to another server having same postgres
version and server configuration.

So,please suggest how i can move instance A to another server.

On 18 Jan 2017 7:10 p.m., "Vick Khera" <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 7:32 AM, PAWAN SHARMA <>
> wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I am using postgres 9.5  enterprise edition and postgres 9.5 open source
>>  where i want know solution of two problems.
>> 1.How can we restore single database from base backup files only, I
>>  don't have pg_dump backup.
> Restore the whole thing into a temporary instance of postgres and then
> pg_dump the database you want.
>> 2.How can we  restore single instance on different server where multiple
>> instances are running on the  production server.
>> Once you have the dump from pg_dump, you can restore it wherever you
> like. Chances are higher for success if the version numbers match or the
> destination is newer than the source.

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