On 17/01/17 23:21, Tomas Vondra wrote:

after looking at the explain plans again, I very much doubt those come from the 
same query. The reason is the 9.5 plan contains this part:

    ->  HashAggregate  (cost=67.54..68.12 rows=192 width=4)
          Group Key: d.vip_patient_id
          ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.17..67.44 rows=192 width=4)
                ->  Index Scan using unq_user_name on tblcnaccounts ...
                      Index Cond: ((user_name)::text = 'dddddd'::text)
                ->  Index Only Scan using idx_tblcndoctorpatientmap ...
                      Index Cond: (master_user_id = a.master_user_id)

while the 9.6 plan does not include anything like that, i.e. there's only a 
single aggregate at the top level, without any group keys. Also, the SQL query 
you've provided does not include any GROUP BY clause, so I claim that those 
plans are from two different queries.

There's also a user_name = 'dddddd' that has become a user_name = 'rdoyleda' ...

Ravi, could you please send the current query you're testing and the explain 
analyze of that query on 9.5 and 9.6?


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