> On Jan 10, 2017, at 2:05 AM, Guyren Howe <guy...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:guy...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> For my Love Your Database Project:
> https://medium.com/@gisborne/love-your-database-lydb-23c69f480a1d#.8g1ezwx6r 
> <https://medium.com/@gisborne/love-your-database-lydb-23c69f480a1d#.8g1ezwx6r>
> I’m trying to see how a typical web developer might use Postgres’ roles and 
> row-level security to implement their authorization.
> What I’m struggling with is that connection pooling seems to make 
> straightforward use of the roles to enforce access impossible.
> If I’m using a connection pool, then I’m not re-connecting to Postgres with 
> the user for the current transaction. But then my only option is to use SET 
> ROLE. But that is not much security at all, because the current user can just 
> do SET ROLE back to the (presumably privileged) default, or to any other 
> user’s role.
> What am I missing here?

Tomas at 2nd Quadrant wrote a nice article about doing that:


You can also look at how projects like PostgREST (http://postgrest.com/ 
<http://postgrest.com/>) and PostGaphQL 
<https://github.com/calebmer/postgraphql>) tackle the problem (although I don’t 
recall at the moment if they are as careful about avoiding the possibility of 
an unprotected SET ROLE as Tomas is in the above article).


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