2016-12-29 10:03 GMT+01:00 Tim Uckun <timuc...@gmail.com>:

> I think it's awesome that postgres allows you to code in different
> languages like this. It really is a unique development environment and one
> that is overlooked as a development platform.  It would be nice if more
> languages were delivered in the default package especially lua, V8 and
> mruby.

It is about dependencies and maintenance. There are not too much people who
has good experience with C embedding Lua, V8 and others. Any people who can
do some work are welcome.

The living outside main package has disadvantages - only enthusiast knows
about it, but some advantages too - you are not fixed on PostgreSQL
development cycle, and development can be faster.



> On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 9:31 PM, Chris Travers <chris.trav...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> My recommendation.  See them as tools in a toolkit, not a question of
>> what is best.
>> For places where you have SQL statements as primary do SQL or PLPGSQL
>> functions.
>> For places where you are manipulating values (parsing strings for
>> example) use something else (I usually use pl/perl for string manipulation
>> but ymmv).
>> PLPGSQL works best where you have a large query and some procedurally
>> supporting logic.  It becomes a lot less usable, performant, and
>> maintainable the further you get away from that.
>> So there is no best just different tools in a toolkit.

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