On 12/21/2016 12:59 PM, Guillaume Lelarge wrote:
2016-12-21 20:29 GMT+01:00 Daniel Westermann
>> postgres@pgbox:/home/postgres/ [PG961] pg_restore -h localhost -p 5439
-F d -C -j 2 /var/tmp/exp/
>> This runs fine but where does it connect to? Nothing is listening on
port 5439.
>Given the lack of a -d switch, I'd expect it not to try to connect
>anywhere, just emit the restore script on stdout. At least, that's
>what happens for me. It's weird that you don't see any printout.
>(To be clear: it's -d that triggers a connection attempt in pg_restore.
>Without that, -h and -p are just noise.)
Ok, that makes sense. I got the output on screen, as mentioned.
What I would have expected is at least a hint or warning that host
and port are ignored if you do not specify the "-d" switch. Giving
port and host clearly indicates that I want to connect to what I
provided, doesn't it? psql uses the os username as default database,
pg_restore doesn't?
postgres@pgbox:/home/postgres/ [PG961] unset PGDATABASE
postgres@pgbox:/home/postgres/ [] psql
psql (9.6.1)
Type "help" for help.
(postgres@[local]:5439) [postgres] >
Providing "-d" gives a meaningful message at least:
postgres@pgbox:/home/postgres/ [PG961] pg_restore -h localhost -p
===6666 -d postgres -F d -C /var/tmp/exp/
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] connection to database "postgres"
failed: invalid port number: "===6666"
Maybe it is only me, but this is not consistent behavior, is it?
It isn't consistent but it's by purpose. And there's a really good
reason for that behaviour. There's no issue with psql connecting to a
default database because psql doesn't do anything by itself. pg_restore
That is not entirely accurate. psql -f some_destructive_script.sql could
ruin you day.
will do something to the database it connects to. It might drop some
objects, create some, add data. I want to be sure it's restored in the
right database. I don't want it to second-guess what I want to do.
Otherwise, I'll have a really hard time fixing everything it did. So -d
is required by pg_restore to connect to some database, whereas there's
no big deal with psql connecting to a default database.
Adrian Klaver
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