On Fri, Dec 11, 2016 12:43 PM, Julien Rouhaud wrote:

>>I forwarded your mail to the author, since he's not on this mailing-list.  
>>This issue should be fixed with commit 

>>If this bugfix is not enough or if you find other issues, could you report 
>>them directly on github (https://github.com/darold/ora2pg/issues)?

Hi Julien,

Thanks for looking into the issue.

I tried and updated "Ora2Pg.pm" with the change suggested in 
 (add "|TYPE" in the following line) but encountered the same issue "ERROR:  
type "aq$_jms_text_message" while import the content of the output.sql into 
PostgreSQL database.

[kll0199:/u01/app/oracle/ora2pg-17.6/lib] egrep "has_limitation" Ora2Pg.pm | 
egrep -v "has_limitation ="

                if (!$self->{is_mysql} && !$has_limitation && ($arr_type[$i] =~ 

At this point, I guess the issue occurred for that particular type 
"aq$_jms_text_message".  So the key question would be : does Postgres database 
support "aq$_jms_text_message" type?  If postgres does not support this type, 
it will error out.  I would need confirmation on this please.



On Fri, Dec 09, 2016 at 05:22:07PM +0000, Joanna Xu wrote:

> Hi All,


> We plan to use ora2pg tool to migrate Oracle to PostgreSQL.  During the 
> testing, while importing content of the output.sql into PostgrSQL database, 
> it terminated with the following error "ERROR:  type "aq$_jms_text_message" 
> does not exist" for "user_data" column with "AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE" as type.  
> In this case, if Java Message Service (JMS) types are not supported by 
> Postgres, ora2pg would not be the right tool to use for the migration but I 
> am not certain if it is true.  Can someone please advise?


> psql -d wsp -U staging -W < /database/postgres/outputSTAGING.sql

> Password for user staging:



> :




> ERROR:  type "aq$_jms_text_message" does not exist LINE 29:  user_data



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