On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 11:31 AM, Torsten Förtsch <tfoertsch...@gmail.com>

> On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 11:21 AM, Torsten Förtsch <tfoertsch...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I need to tune my database for a high update rate of a single small
>> table. A little simplified it looks like this:
>> CREATE TABLE temp_agg(
>>   topic TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
>>   tstmp TIMESTAMP,
>>   cnt BIGINT,
>>   sum NUMERIC
>> )
>> The table has 500 rows.
>> A transaction looks simplified like this:
>> 1) select * from temp_agg where topic=$1 for update
>> 2) if date_trunc('second', tstmp)=date_trunc('second', $3) then:
>> 2a) update temp_agg set cnt=cnt+1, sum=sum+$2 where topic=$1
>> 2b) set local synchronous_commit to off
>> 3) if a new second has started:
>> 3a) insert into other_table select * from temp_agg where topic=$1
>> 3b) update temp_agg set tstmp=date_trunc('second', $3) cnt=1, sum=$2
>> where topic=$1
>> 3c) emit a notification (pg_notify(...)) with the new data
>> sorry, hit the wrong button.
> As a first test my program starts 10 writers each of which serves 50
> topics. The timestamps are generated in a way that on average 10 timestamps
> per second per topic are produced. That means on average the 2) branch is
> hit 10 times more often.
> These 10 writers then flood the database. At first I see a really good
> transaction rate of more than 6500 tx/sec. But after a while it suddenly
> drops to less than 1/10 of that. I also monitored the number of processes
> waiting for locks. As can be seen in this picture, this is a locking
> problem.
> Here is a snapshot of not granted locks:
> ​
>  locktype | database | relation |  page  | tuple  | virtualxid |
> transactionid | classid | objid | objsubid | virtualtransaction |  pid  |
>        mode         | granted | fastpath
> ----------+----------+----------+--------+--------+---------
> ---+---------------+---------+-------+----------+-----------
> ---------+-------+---------------------+---------+----------
> object   |        0 |   <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL>     |
>        <NULL> |    1262 |     0 |        0 | 15/6381185         | 11468 |
> AccessExclusiveLock | f       | f
> object   |        0 |   <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL>     |
>        <NULL> |    1262 |     0 |        0 | 13/6375058         | 11465 |
> AccessExclusiveLock | f       | f
> object   |        0 |   <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL>     |
>        <NULL> |    1262 |     0 |        0 | 9/6373397          | 11463 |
> AccessExclusiveLock | f       | f
> object   |        0 |   <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL>     |
>        <NULL> |    1262 |     0 |        0 | 11/6380027         | 11464 |
> AccessExclusiveLock | f       | f
> object   |        0 |   <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL>     |
>        <NULL> |    1262 |     0 |        0 | 3/447139           | 11133 |
> AccessExclusiveLock | f       | f
> object   |        0 |   <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL>     |
>        <NULL> |    1262 |     0 |        0 | 7/6375244          | 11461 |
> AccessExclusiveLock | f       | f
> object   |        0 |   <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL>     |
>        <NULL> |    1262 |     0 |        0 | 16/6381714         | 11467 |
> AccessExclusiveLock | f       | f
> object   |        0 |   <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL>     |
>        <NULL> |    1262 |     0 |        0 | 10/6380578         | 11460 |
> AccessExclusiveLock | f       | f
> object   |        0 |   <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL>     |
>        <NULL> |    1262 |     0 |        0 | 8/6374490          | 11459 |
> AccessExclusiveLock | f       | f
> object   |        0 |   <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL> | <NULL>     |
>        <NULL> |    1262 |     0 |        0 | 12/6377255         | 11462 |
> AccessExclusiveLock | f       | f
> What are these object locks here? How can I prevent contention?
> This is pgdg postgres 9.5

1262 is 'pg_database'::regclass::oid

I don't know for sure but things I would worry about given the performance
profile are:

1.  NUMA swap insanity
2.  Accumulation of dead tuples leading to what should be very short
operations taking longer.

No idea of that is helpful but where I would probably start

> Thanks,
> Torsten

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

Efficito:  Hosted Accounting and ERP.  Robust and Flexible.  No vendor

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