On 12/6/16 11:12 AM, Eric Schwarzenbach wrote:
On 12/06/2016 01:34 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
On 12/06/2016 10:30 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:

My thinking is to not store these documents in the database, but to store
them in subdirectories outside the database.

  Your thoughts?

Due to the widely variable size of a PDF document, I would say no. I would store the metadata and file location.

Can you elaborate on this? Why is the variable size an issue? Are you assuming the files go into the same table as the rest of the data? (They certainly don't have to, and I would assume that not to be the smartest design.)

The advantages of storing in the database is that a DB backup will have everything, instead of a DB backup and a file system backup. Using a BLOB, you can certainly keep track of variable length PDFs.

Also, if in the database, it can be part of a transaction so you will not have any issues keeping the DB and filesystem in sync.


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