On 11/24/16 8:05 PM, Patrick B wrote:

> hmm.. I really don't get it.
> If I get messages like: 
> *cp: cannot stat '/walfiles/0000000200001AF8000000A5': No such file or
> director*y
> In my head, it's saying that it was unable to recover that file and,
> because of that, there is missing data.
> Even if the server is able to connect to tbe master via streaming
> replication, there might be missing data. There might be data that is
> into master but not into slave.
> Am I wrong? If so, I don't understand why are the wal_files for, then.

This is normal as far as it goes.  Postgres keeps checking for the WAL
file that it needs to become consistent and cp keeps throwing errors
when it can't find the file (yet).

This simply demonstrates how unsuitable cp is as a recovery command.  I
recommend you look at doing backup/archive with a professional tool such
as pgBackRest (http://www.pgbackrest.org) or Barman


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