I updated odbc drivers and it worked.

Thanks everyone


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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Import data from MS SQL Server 2014 to Postgresql 9.6 
using dbi-link and fdw (error: utf-8/uft-16)
Local Time: November 10, 2016 1:31 PM
UTC Time: November 10, 2016 1:31 PM
From: floripa...@gmail.com
To: Juliano <jpli...@protonmail.com>, pgsql-general@postgresql.org 

On Thu, 2016-11-10 at 05:34 -0500, Juliano wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to import some data from a MS SQL Server 2014 sequential
> database to Postgresql using dbi-link.
> Postgresql 9.6 encoding is utf-8 and does not support utf-16 but, I
> need to transfer this data to postgres.
> I also tried to use tds_fdw version 1.0.8 and the same problem
> occurs.
> ERROR: DB-Library error: DB #: 100, DB Msg: TDS version downgraded to
> 7.1!, OS #: 0, OS Msg: Success, Level: 1
> ********** Error **********
> ERROR: DB-Library error: DB #: 100, DB Msg: TDS version downgraded to
> 7.1!, OS #: 0, OS Msg: Success, Level: 1
> SQL state: HV00L
> Please help me.

The error code HV00L means "unable to create execution".

This appears to have been fixed. See:-


However, I don't follow "how" the UTF-16 data is being transformed to
UTF-8. I know that I'm thick (at times). If the SQL Server data is in
Simplified Chinese (say), how do you convert it?

Postgres handles some multi-byte codings:-

WIN932 --> SJIS
WIN936 --> GBK
WIN949 --> UHC
WIN950 --> BIG5

So you can run createdb specifying one of those encodings, lc_collate,



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