My bad on the back tick. No idea why it turned that way

OK got that David. 

The idea is that I have the pk columns in an array which I would like to 
manipulate from the array itself rather than running same query variations 
multiple times

For example I get in foo


And from here on I was looking to get say

a.item_id , a.show_id 

and all sort of variations

Thanks for help

On Nov 21, 2016, at 4:26 PM, David G. Johnston <> 

> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 3:09 PM, Armand Pirvu (home) <> 
> wrote:
> Hi
> Is there anyway I can pass a variable in the array_to_string function ?
> ​Yes, just like you can pass variables to any other function.​..
> foo text;
> foo1 text;
> begin
> execute
> 'select ARRAY( SELECT d.COLUMN_NAME::text  from 
> information_schema.constraint_table_usage c, 
> information_schema.key_column_usage d '
> ||
> 'where c.constraint_name=d.constraint_name and c.table_name=d.table_name and 
> c.table_schema='
> ||
> quote_literal(‘myschema')
> ||
> ' and c.table_schema=d.table_schema and c.constraint_name like '
> ||
> quote_literal('%_pkey%')
> ||
> ') ' into foo;
> raise notice '%', foo;
> foo1 :=ARRAY_TO_STRING(foo, ', ');
> raise notice '%', foo1;
> END;
> $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ;
> The idea is that I want to slice and dice and not run the query x amount of 
> times
> I would suggest you learn to use the "format()" function, EXECUTE USING,​ and 
> dollar quoting.
> So, I copy-pasted your example and placed it into a DO block
> The character before "myschema" came out as a back-tick instead of a 
> single-quote.
> array_to_string has the signature (text[], text) but you've defined foo as 
> being just text.  Changing that results in a query that executes - though 
> given my system doesn't have conforming data I get no results.
> David J.

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