On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 7:11 AM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> otar shavadze <oshava...@gmail.com> writes:
> >> Hmmm ... actually, I wonder if maybe '@>' here is the contrib/intarray
> >> operator not the core operator?  The intarray operator didn't get
> plugged
> >> into any real estimation logic until 9.6.
> > So, you mean that better would be go to version 9.6 ?
> If you are using that contrib module, and it's capturing this operator
> reference, that would probably explain the bad estimate.  You could
> drop the extension if you're not depending on its other features, or you
> could explicitly qualify the operator name ("operator(pg_catalog.@>)"),
> or you could upgrade to 9.6 (don't forget to do ALTER EXTENSION ... UPDATE
> afterwards).

Isn't the operator determined at index build time?  If he doesn't want to
update to 9.6, I think he would need to rebuild the index, removing
the "gin__int_ops" specification.



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