On 11/05/2016 10:01 AM, Edson Richter wrote:
Dear list,
Version string PostgreSQL 9.4.10 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu,
compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-4), 64-bit
I’m running the query below, and it is limiting results as if
“regexp_matches” being in where clause.
IMHO, it is wrong: in case there is no match, shall return null or empty
array – not remove the result from the set!!!
Is this a collateral effect of using regexp_matches in columns?
If yes, shall not this information be BOLD RED FLASHING in documentation
(or it is already, and some kind sould would point me where)?
"It is possible to force regexp_matches() to always return one row by
using a sub-select; this is particularly useful in a SELECT target list
when you want all rows returned, even non-matching ones:
SELECT col1, (SELECT regexp_matches(col2, '(bar)(beque)')) FROM tab;
-- First query (that is limiting results)
select codigoocorrencia, datahoraocorrencia, datahoraimportacao,
observacao, regexp_matches(observacao, '\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d')
from batchloteocorrencia
where codigoocorrencia = '091'
and observacao is not null
order by datahoraimportacao DESC
Total results = 59
--Second query (that is not limiting results, as I did
select codigoocorrencia, datahoraocorrencia, datahoraimportacao, observacao
from batchloteocorrencia
where codigoocorrencia = '091'
and observacao is not null
order by datahoraimportacao DESC
Total results = 3826
Why is that?
Edson Richter
Adrian Klaver
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