Dear all,

I'd like to ask for help or advice with choosing the best replication setup for
my task.

I need to listen to continuous inserts/deletes/updates over a set of tables,
and serve them over http, so I would like to off-load this procedure to a
separate slave machine.  I thought that logical master-slave replication could
be the best match here, but I couldn't find enough details in the documentation
which implementation would match my needs best.

Basically, I need to:

a) replicate selected tables to a hot standby slave
b) on the slave, listen for the insert/update/delete events (either through 
triggers or logical decoder plugin)

While I see that a) should be feasible, I can't see if it's possible to do b) 
at all.
Also, with so many replication solutions, I don't want to test them all one by 
one, but
rather would like to ask for help choosing the one goes best here -- and if 
there's none,
an alternative setup then.

        Dmitry Karasik

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