Good afternoon, is it please posible to optimize the following SQL query with numerous CASE statements (on same condition!) without switching to PL/pgSQL?
SELECT g.gid, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM g.created)::int, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM g.finished)::int, g.letters, g.values,, m.tiles, m.score, /* HOW TO OPTIMIZE THE FOLLOWING CASE STATEMENTS? */ CASE WHEN g.player1 = in_uid THEN g.player1 ELSE g.player2 END, CASE WHEN g.player1 = in_uid THEN g.player2 ELSE g.player1 END, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM CASE WHEN g.player1 = in_uid THEN g.played1 ELSE g.played2 END)::int, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM CASE WHEN g.player1 = in_uid THEN g.played2 ELSE g.played1 END)::int, CASE WHEN g.player1 = in_uid THEN g.score1 ELSE g.score2 END, CASE WHEN g.player1 = in_uid THEN g.score2 ELSE g.score1 END, ARRAY_TO_STRING(CASE WHEN g.player1 = in_uid THEN g.hand1 ELSE g.hand2 END, ''), REGEXP_REPLACE(ARRAY_TO_STRING(CASE WHEN g.player1 = in_uid THEN g.hand2 ELSE g.hand1 END, ''), '.', '?', 'g'), CASE WHEN g.player1 = in_uid THEN s1.female ELSE s2.female END, CASE WHEN g.player1 = in_uid THEN s2.female ELSE s1.female END, CASE WHEN g.player1 = in_uid THEN s1.given ELSE s2.given END, CASE WHEN g.player1 = in_uid THEN s2.given ELSE s1.given END, CASE WHEN g.player1 = in_uid THEN ELSE END, CASE WHEN g.player1 = in_uid THEN ELSE END, CASE WHEN g.player1 = in_uid THEN ELSE END, CASE WHEN g.player1 = in_uid THEN ELSE END FROM words_games g LEFT JOIN words_moves m ON m.gid = g.gid -- find move record with the most recent timestamp AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM words_moves m2 WHERE m2.gid = m.gid AND m2.played > m.played) LEFT JOIN words_social s1 ON s1.uid = g.player1 -- find social record with the most recent timestamp AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM words_social s WHERE s1.uid = s.uid AND s.stamp > s1.stamp) LEFT JOIN words_social s2 ON s2.uid = g.player2 -- find social record with the most recent timestamp AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM words_social s WHERE s2.uid = s.uid AND s.stamp > s2.stamp) WHERE in_uid IN (g.player1, g.player2) AND (g.finished IS NULL OR g.finished > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '1 day'); It is a two-player, PostgreSQL-based game and in the statement above I am using the CASE-statements to ensure that always player1, given1, score1 columns are returned for the player in question. Here is a bit more context: Thank you Alex