Steve Clark <> writes:
> On 10/28/2016 09:48 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Retrying might be a usable band-aid, but really this is an application
>> logic error.  The code that is trying to do "lock table t_unit in
>> exclusive mode" must already hold some lower-level lock on t_unit, which
>> is blocking whatever the "update t_unit_status_log" command wants to do
>> with t_unit.  Looks like a classic lock-strength-upgrade mistake to me.

> Oops - I forgot there is another process that runs every minute and
> takes about 1 second to run that does an exclusive lock on t_unit and
> t_unit_status_log.

The problem here doesn't seem to be that; it's that whatever transaction
is doing the "lock table" has *already* got a non-exclusive lock on
t_unit.  That's just bad programming.  Take the strongest lock you need
earliest in the transaction.

                        regards, tom lane

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