Please let me know if any other details required, I'm still struck at same

On Oct 6, 2016 12:07 PM, "PHANIKUMAR G" <> wrote:

> hi Thomas,
>   thanks for your reply. small correction for my previous reply, we use
> postgresql zip and bundle with our products installer, during install time
> of our product, on target host this zip will be extracted. Data directory
> is under pgsql along with bin and other directories.
> we created/registered  the service with below commands. And could you
> please tell me how to create postgres service with "Local Network Service"
> *<fullpath>pg_ctl.exe register -N "prostgresService" -D
> "fullpath_to_data_directory" -W*
> *>sc description prostgresService "prostgresService Applicatio*
> *n Server Database Service"*
> On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 4:04 PM, PHANIKUMAR G <>
> wrote:
>> hi,
>>   thanks for your reply. we use postgres zip, during install time of our
>> product, on target host this zip will be extracted. We are not creating
>> data directory, when service is started by default data directory will be
>> created.
>> we created/registered  the service with below commands
>> *<fullpath>pg_ctl.exe register -N "prostgresService" -D
>> "fullpath_to_data_directory" -W*
>> *>sc description prostgresService "prostgresService Applicatio*
>> *n Server Database Service"*
>> On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 9:36 PM, Thomas Kellerer <>
>> wrote:
>>> PHANIKUMAR G schrieb am 01.10.2016 um 17:30:
>>>> We then tried to start the service with the following changes.
>>>>      a. we changed the "Log on as" type to "This account"
>>>>      b. changed the account name to ".\<local account with admin
>>>> privileges>"
>>>>      c. And entered the password for this account and saved.
>>>> After that we are able to start the postgresql service successfully.
>>>> Found that the pg_log directory is created under data directory with
>>>> postgres-Sep.log
>>>> Why it is failing with local system account, the local system account
>>>> is part of administrators group. If we specifically provide
>>>> credentials to the service as explained above, service getting
>>>> started. Please help me to understand what is causing.
>>> Where is the data directory? And how did you create the data directory?
>>> Check the privileges on the data directory.
>>> This sounds as if the local system account does not have the privilege
>>> to write to the data directory.
>>> The local system account (or "Administrator") don't have the privilege
>>> to read and write all files.
>>> Those accounts only have the ability to give themselves these privileges.
>>> Also: if I'm not mistaken, Postgres 9.3 creates the service with the
>>> "Local Network Service", not with "Local System Account"
>>> So how did you create the initial service?
>>> --
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