I would like to push an array at the end of an array. Like: '{{4,5},{8,3}}' + '{3,6}' > '{{4,5},{8,3},{3,6}}'
Is there an easy way to do? (i have version "9.1.23" on my shared hosting) Now I have written a complex function with EXECUTE command-string... CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION push_2d_array(numeric[],numeric[]) RETURNS numeric[] AS $$ DECLARE _str text; _arr numeric[]; BEGIN IF $1 IS NULL THEN RETURN ARRAY[$2]; ELSE _str := 'SELECT ARRAY['; FOR i in 1..array_upper($1,1) LOOP IF i > 1 THEN _str := _str || ','; END IF; _str := _str || 'ARRAY[' || $1[i][1] || ',' || $1[i][2] || ']'; END LOOP; _str := _str || ', ARRAY[' || $2[1] || ',' || $2[2] || ']]'; EXECUTE _str INTO _arr ; RETURN _arr; END IF; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- +31 6 29401726 tji...@rijpma.org