At 05:47 PM 3/30/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>HOWEVER -- we do have arrays, don't forget... sometimes they can
>be bent to do more than intended (but usually not!)
> create table mailing(
> person_id serial,
> sent int4[],
> prefs varchar[],
> current int2
> );
> -- insert, update, munge and frob, then
> select person_id,sent[current] from something;
>oh, and if your PostgreSQL instance is new enough, you might have
>PERL built in, which could make all of this moot. (now we just
>need someone to DOCUMENT the sucker so we know how perl can talk
>back to postgres for cross-lookups and such...)
Will, you are a powerful postgres wizard and never let anyone tell you
I may be able to use array's if postgres will allow using variables to
reference points in the array.
As for your comment about perl being built in, how can I find this out? I
guess just try CREATE LANGUAGE specifying perl?
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