On 09/10/2016 02:09 PM, Kiran wrote:
Hi Adrian,

The JSON value is inserted into a column in the database which I can see.
But the trigger which has to convert this JSON value in not tsvector
column is not updating that column.

As Tom explained, in your trigger function you have:


In the body JSON you are passing in:

$4 = '{"name": "Do you like Pizza ?", "type": "cat", "store": [{"labeltext": "Yes", "labelvalue": 1}, {"labeltext": "No", "labelvalue": 2}, {"labeltext": "Other", "labelvalue": 3}, {"labeltext": "Don''t know", "labelvalue": 4}], "target": {"place": "Sweden"}, "askfreq": "once", "whydesc": "Because I like it :)"}'

there is not 'qtext', so New.body->>'qtext' is getting you NULL which the COALESCE is turning into '' which is making weighted_tsv look empty.


On Sat, Sep 10, 2016 at 10:27 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us
<mailto:t...@sss.pgh.pa.us>> wrote:

    Kiran <bangalore.ki...@gmail.com <mailto:bangalore.ki...@gmail.com>>
    > LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO "myschema"."cf_question"
    > ("cf_question_type_id", "cf_question_category_id", "lang", "body") VALUES
    > ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING *
    > DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '1', $2 = '9', $3 = 'swedish', $4 = '{"name": 
    > you like Pizza ?", "type": "cat", "store": [{"labeltext": "Yes",
    > "labelvalue": 1}, {"labeltext": "No", "labelvalue": 2}, {"labeltext":
    > "Other", "labelvalue": 3}, {"labeltext": "Don''t know", "labelvalue": 4}],
    > "target": {"place": "Sweden"}, "askfreq": "once", "whydesc": "Because I
    > like it :)"}'

    Well, the obvious comment on that is "that JSON value hasn't got any
    field".  So the ->> operator is returning null, the coalesce() is
    replacing that with an empty string, and you end up with an empty
    tsvector column.

                            regards, tom lane

Adrian Klaver

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