On Sat, 2016-09-03 at 21:36 +1200, Tim Uckun wrote:
> Does anybody use an IDE for doing heavy duty stored proc development?  PGadmin
> is decent but I am looking for something better.
> I have tried jetbrains with the db browser plugin and on the surface it seems
> like a good choice but it's really buggy when working with procs.
> I also tried datagrip by jetbrains and that too seems to be all over the
> place. It has some amazing features for working with the database but some of
> the simplest stuff is lacking or half baked.
> I looked at atom and could not find any useful plugins for PG.
> Anybody have experience with something awesome? 

i've not yet used it much but
   dbeaver    http://dbeaver.jkiss.org/
seems robust.

Both the Enterprise and Community edition are free.  Community edition
is open source, EE is not.

it may be worth a look
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