On 09/05/2016 11:38 AM, Mimiko wrote:
Hello to all.
I want to move applications to postgres. But there are applications
which can use only mysql or local mdb or mssql. For now I run a mysql
server to which this applications are connected. Long time ago I've
encountered a federeted module for mysql to allow to store data in
postgres. Now that site doesnot exists.
Can anyone suggest a db federeted plugin for mysql/mariadb to store data
in pg. Changing applications is impossible, they are proprietary and
work only with specific databases only.
The only thing I know of is the other way around:
Trying to figure out how
1) "I want to move applications to postgres."
2) "Changing applications is impossible, they are proprietary and work
only with specific databases only. "
is going to work out?
Thank you.
Adrian Klaver
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