On Sat, 3 Sep 2016, Adrian Klaver wrote:

A question are you really using 9.4.5 or 9.5.4(the latest version of 9.5)?
And if you want to use 9.4 I would say use the latest(9.4.9).

  It is 9.4.5, but I have the source tarball for 9.5.4 in the build
If the above is a yes, any particular reason you do not want to move to 9.5?

  I'll delete the 9.4.5 package and build the 9.5.4 package. Will run init
on port 5442 ... except that I do not find an option for init to specify a
different port. So I assume that the initdb doesn't care about ports.

Once you verify that the new instance is running and you can connect to it
  Not sure how I do this. Don't I need to kill the postgres-9.3.4 process
then start the -9.5.4 process?


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