Good evening, please help me to figure out, why doesn't this simple test function return a row with 42, NULL values:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION words_merge_users_2( IN in_users jsonb, IN in_ip inet ) RETURNS TABLE ( out_uid integer, out_banned varchar ) AS $func$ DECLARE _user jsonb; _uids integer[]; _created timestamptz; _vip timestamptz; _grand timestamptz; _banned_until timestamptz; _banned_reason varchar; BEGIN out_uid := 42; END $func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; Here I call it at PostgreSQL 9.5.4 prompt in MacOS: # select * from words_merge_users_2('[{"given":"Abcde","social":1,"auth":"07f0254f5e55413dec7f32c8ef4ee5d3","stamp":1470237061,"female":0,"sid":"11111"}] '::jsonb, ''::inet); out_uid | out_banned ---------+------------ (0 rows) Thank you (I am probably missing something very obvious) Alex