Hello Chris,

I am getting closer but ...

> > > Sure.  What I prefer to do is to allow for a (cacheable) lookup on the
> > > basis of some criteria, either:
> > > 1.  Function name or
> > > 2.  Function name and first argument type
> > >
> > > This assumes that whichever discovery criteria you are using leads to
> > > uniquely identifying a function.
> > >
> > > Then from the argument list, I know the names and types of the arguments,
> > > and the service locator can map them in.  This means:
> > >
> > > 1.  You can expose an API which calls arguments by name rather than just
> > > position, and
> > > 2.  You can add arguments of different types without breaking things as
> > > long as it is agreed that unknown arguments are passed in as NULL.
> Ok.  Two ways of doing this based on different discovery criteria..  The
> first would be:
> CREATE FUNCTION person_save(in_id int, in_first_name text, in_last_name
> text, in_date_of_birth date)
> RETURNS person LANGUAGE ... as $$ ... $$;
> Then you have a service locator

Which is what running where ?

> that says

How ?


>  "I have a person object and want to call person_save."  It then looks up the 
> function argument names and
> calls it something like this:
> SELECT * FROM  person_save(?, ?, ?, ?)
> with parameters
> $object->id, $object->first_name, $object->last_name, $object->date_of_birth

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