On 08/04/2016 12:55 PM, Patrick B wrote:

    Seems to me the settings for nice and ionice above would, on a busy
    machine, slow down the transfer. Has there always been a notable
    time difference in the transfer or has it gotten worse over time?

Yep... I also thought about that. Specially because the master is
constantly getting 100% of IO (we use SATA disks still)...

I'm thinking about removing that `ionice` command... I don't need to
restart Postgres eh?? Just reload the confs?


"However, archive_command can be changed with a configuration file reload."

@John R Pierce,

    normally, you would ship the archived wal files to a file server via
    cp-over-nfs or scp, and have the slaves access them as needed via
    the recovery.conf

What if the NFS server goes down? Networking goes down? We have had that
kind of problem in the past, that's why I'm shipping the wal_files to
each slave, separately. Also, to have an extra copy of them.

@Venkata Balaji N,

    Not sure why the script is so complex. Do you see any messages in
    the postgresql log file on master ? and on slave ? which indicates
    the reason for delayed shipping of WAL archives. Did you notice any
    network level issues ?

Yes the script is complex.. I've hidden almost all of it for privacy
purpose.. sorry....

I don't see any messages on the log files... not on the master and not
on the slaves as well. I just see the message of the wal_files
being successfully shipped to the slaves.

Also, no networking level issues.. because I got four slaves with
streaming replication and all of them are working fine... also, my
backup server has never failed... so no networking issues.



Adrian Klaver

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