On 08/02/2016 09:19 AM, Lmhelp1 wrote:
Thank you for your answer.

Like I wrote in my first post, the command I use to launch "psql" is:
cmd.exe> psql -p <tcp_port> -U <username> <database_name>
So, I do not specify the "--no-readline" option.

cmd.exe psql <database_name># \s
history is not supported by this installation

Powershell psql <database_name># \s
history is not supported by this installation

To install PostgreSQL, I used the "postgresql-9.5.2-1-windows-x64.exe"
installer the 2016/04/21.
So I don't remember much about what I did that day.

When I do:
psql <database_name># \set
HISTFILE does not appear in the result.
So, I guess it is not set.

What happens if you use the SQL Shell from the program menu on the Start Menu?:


Best regards,
Léa Massiot

Adrian Klaver

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