I wrote:
> I'm still suspicious that this might be some sort of NOTICE-processing-
> related buffer bloat.  Could you try loading the data with the server's
> log_min_messages level cranked down to NOTICE, so you can see from the
> postmaster log whether any NOTICEs are being issued to the pg_restore
> session?

BTW, I experimented with that theory by creating a table with a BEFORE
INSERT trigger function that emits a NOTICE, and then making pg_restore
restore a lot of data into it.  I could not see any memory growth in
the pg_restore process.  However, I was testing 9.1.22, not 9.1.8.
Also, some of the misbehaviors we've discovered along these lines have
been timing-sensitive, meaning that the problem might or might not
reproduce for another person even with the same software version.
Are you running pg_restore locally on the same machine as the server,
or across a network --- and if the latter, how fast is the network?

                        regards, tom lane

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